Unsafe Acts
Unsafe Acts program emphasizes the importance of training and enforcement of rules, laws and standards. To make a long story short, accident prevention came as a result of someone's misfortune. It was a reaction process, when something happened action would be taken. Over the years, businesses adopted voluntary standards, rules, and instructions relating to accident prevention. In 1980, The U.S. Government took these voluntary safety standards and made them law, known as the Occupational Safety and Health Act or OSHA. OSHA is a law design to correct the physical hazards of the job such as machine guarded, electrical hazards, and fire protection.
Key Words: Unsafe Acts, Training and Enforcement of Rules, Laws and Standards, Accident Prevention, OSHA, Physical Prevention, Machine Guarding, Electrical Hazards, Fire Protection, Safety Video, Safety Training, Safety DVD.
Runtime: 12 Min.
- Program Outline
- Reducing Unsafe Acts
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