Skid Steer Safety

SKU 3047A

Skid steer equipment has become the number one workhorses for public works and construction. With trenchers, plows, grapples, buckets and hoes and hydraulic breakers as attachments, their versatility is limitless. Manufacturers of this equipment include Bobcat, John Deere, CAT, and New Holland to name a few. This equipment can stop on a dime, spin in circles, climb, dig and a variety of other tasks. As interesting as they are to operate, there are potential risks to the operator and those working around them. The primary reason for injuries lies with untrained workers. Operators must be trained and qualified to operate the skid steer.

Key Words: Skid Steer Safety, Hazards, Awareness, Enter and Exit Skid Steer, Inspection, Maintenance, Training, Safe Driving, Workhorse, Trenchers, Plows, Grapples, Bucket, Hoes, Hydraulic Breakers, Sweepers, Safety Video, Safety Training, Safety .

Course Outline

  • Skid Steer Hazards
  • Skid Steer Awareness
  • Entering and Exiting the Equipment
  • Inspection and Maintenance
  • Training
  • Safe Skid Steer Driving
  • Skid Steer Safe Guards

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