Safe Handling of Compressed Gas Cylinders (Machinery)
The majority of gases used in the industrial environment are purchased in cylinders. Oxygen, Acetylene and Liquefied Petroleum are some of the gases stored in cylinders. Cylinders must be marked with large lettering indicating the contents. Acetylene burned with oxygen can produce a higher flame temperature. Liquefied petroleum gas is composed of hydrocarbons such as propane. LPG is quite flammable and must be handled with care. Serious accidents can occur if compressed gas cylinders are mishandled. It is important to follow the company policies and procedures on safe handling of gases. This program deals with the safe handling of gas cylinders and explains the various types of gases and their uses.
Key Words: Compressed Gas Cylinders, Safe Handling, Department of Transportation Regulations, Liquefied Petroleum Gas, Hydrocarbons, Propane, Safe Handling of Compressed Gas Cylinders, DOT, Interstate Commerce Specifications, Oxygen, Acetylene, Liquefied Petroleum, LPG, Marking of Cylinders, Safe Handling of Gases, Safety Video, Safety Training, Safety .
Course Outline
- Types of Gases
- Safety Operations