Propane Safety

SKU 1011G

Propane has been a common fuel in homes and businesses since the early 1920’s. Propane is the liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) most widely used in the United States. Propane is a vapor at normal temperatures and atmospheric pressure. Propane and butane used separately or in mixtures are the principal of LPG gases. This program provides basic knowledge of proper cylinder refueling operations by vehicle operators with an emphasis on safety.

Key Words: Propane Safety, Cylinder Refueling, Liquefied Petroleum Gas, Forklifts, Convert Propane, Exhaust Emissions, Safety Awareness, Safety Video, Safety Training, Safety .

Course Outline

  • Propane
  • Propane Dispensing Tank
  • Refueling
  • Characteristics of Propane
  • Summary

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