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Orientation 2000

SKU 5029A

Worker compensation costs are eroding profitability and business are faced with greater challenges. Safety laws and regulations are becoming more stringent and demanding. Management has the responsibility to provide safety training and information for each job. Training and authorization must be given in order to operate machinery. If you are an expert in your field, the company may want to provide some guidelines to meet the company standards. There are new safety standards that may require job specific training. For example, a forklift operator must be trained in proper operations and all the potential hazards associated with operating a forklift. This program touches on safety within the work environment.

Topics included in this safety video are: general safety rules, personal protective equipment (PPE), electrical safety, control of hazardous energy, emergency actions, housekeeping, fire prevention, causes of accidents and injuries, and safe lifting/back injury prevention.

  • General Safety Rules
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Electrical Safety
  • Control of Hazardous Energy
  • Emergency Actions
  • Housekeeping
  • Fire Prevention
  • Causes of Accidents and Injuries
Runtime: 13 Min. WITH PURCHASE OF ANY ENGLISH DVD YOU WILL RECEIVE A FREE WRITTEN MATERIAL CD-Rom. The CD-ROM of written materials may include: Leaders Guides, Questions and Answers, Manuals, and Power Points. Contents vary depending on program.

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