Pesticide Training For Agricultural Employees (Janitorial)

SKU 15020A

In August 1992, the EPA revised the Worker Protection Standard (WPS) (40 CFR Part 170) for Agricultural Pesticides. The WPS is a federal regulation designed to protect employees on farms, forests, nurseries and greenhouses from occupational exposures to agricultural pesticides. The WPS offers protections to approximately 2.5 million agricultural workers and pesticide handlers that work at over 600,000 agricultural establishments. The WPS contains requirements for: pesticide safety training; notification of pesticide applications; use of personal protective equipment; restricted entry intervals following pesticide application; decontamination supplies and emergency medical assistance. This program discusses general pesticide safety practices and pesticide handler safety.

Topics discussed in this safety video include: pesticide basics, where can pesticides be found and how to avoid them, how to protect yourself, the importance of protecting yourself, being sick at work, decontamination area, pesticide information, the pesticide label, personal protective equipment (PPE), respirators, transporting pesticides, storing pesticides, mixing and loading pesticides, cleaning pesticide containers, applying pesticides, heat stress, cleaning up, and the decontamination area.

Runtime: 29 Min.

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