Killer Bees
Killer Bees, Wasps, and Spiders program includes on-camera interviews with Dennis Johnson, Bee Expert, Brent Batchelor, Bexar County Extension Agent, and Dr. Robert C, Rosenberg who share their expertise on this subject. Killer Bees, Wasps, and Spiders is the title of the program, but it's more than that. It's information and the proper protection to make sure you're prepared for an encounter with bees, wasps, and spiders. To help reduce the risk of bees, wasps and spiders bites or stings, this program will provide a better understanding and prevention techniques when you are faced with a potential bite.
Topics included in this safety video are: Killer or Africanized Bees, European honeybees, beekeepers, bee swarm, wasps, hornets, yellow jackets, removing stingers, bee line, allergic reaction, tourniquets, cold compress, bee sting kits, ammonia to iodine, onion juice, tobacco, or even honey, ice, calamine, a paste of baking soda and a little water, and antihistamines.
Course Outline
- Background
- European Honey Bees
- Bee Stings
- Africanized Bees
- Statistics
- Prevention