Heat Stress Awareness and Prevention (Janitorial)

SKU 15013A

During summertime, the risk of heat illness or dying of over-exposure from the effects of heat becomes greater. Workers whose jobs are outside are at risk as well as professional athletes. This program talks about heat cramps, heat exhaustion, heat stroke and prevention of these heat-related illnesses.

Topics include: anatomy, types of heat illnesses, treatment, heat stroke, prevention, acclimation to temperatures, supervisor responsibilities, fluids and emergency procedures.

Key Words: Heat Stress, Heat Awareness, Heat Exhaustion, Heat Stroke, Heat Prevention, Heat-Related Illness, Body Temperature, Hypothalamus, Body Temperature, Underside of Brain, Death, Overheated, Safety Video, Safety Training, Safety .

Course Outline

  • Anatomy
  • Types of Heat Illness
  • Preventing Heat Illness
  • Acclimating to Temperatures
  • Supervisory Responsibilities
  • Shade
  • Fluids
  • Emergency Procedures
  • Conclusion

Runtime: 17 Min.

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