HIPPA - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

SKU 2029A

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) program will explain the meaning of the HIPAA rules and understand what the healthcare industry must do to be compliant with the regulations. HIPAA forbids sharing, transmitting, or divulging of information designated as Protected Health Information or PHI of individuals. It's designed to offer workers specific protections. HIPAA lowers the chance of losing existing coverage, makes it easier to switch health plans, and helps individuals buy their own coverage if they lose the coverage offered by a present or former employer.

Key Words: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act- (HIPAA), Explain HIPPA Rules, Healthcare Industry Compliant with Regulations, HIPPA Forbids Sharing, Worker Protection, HIPPA Lowers Chance of Losing Coverage, Safety Video, Safety Training, Safety .

Runtime: 10 Min.

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