CAL-OSHA New Laws On Serious Injuries

SKU 2038A
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Federal OSHA has been critical of California due to being lax on serious violations associated with inspections and investigations. The Federal government wants California to significantly increase penalties especially those classified as serious. In order to address these concerns, California State Assembly Bill 2774 was adopted on January 1, 2011. This program reviews the meaning of the new law AB2774, legal issues, mitigating serious hazards, and how employers can prepare for the changes.

Key Words: Cal-OSHA, Serious Injuries, AB2774, New Law, Legal Issues, Serious Hazards, Fed OSHA, Employer Must Prove Innocence, Updated Fines, Penalties, Jail Time, Cal-OSHA Violations and Inspections part of Public Records, Parts of Law Impact Employers, How Employers Can Prepare for Changes, Safety Video, Safety Training, Safety .

Runtime: 10 min.

The of written materials may include: Leaders Guides, Questions and Answers, Manuals, and Power Points.
Contents vary depending on program.

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