Dishwasher Safety (Hospitality)

SKU 5045A

There are many jobs that are important to the success of a restaurant. Each job has risks. Working safely is to be aware of risks and take steps necessary to avoid them. Safety is your responsibility. If you see a hazard, correct it or notify management. Always follow rules and company policies. Dishwashing requires concentration, skill and effort. This program covers potential hazards and how to avoid them when working in a restaurant kitchen.

Key Words: Dishwasher Safety, Potential Hazards, Avoid Hazards, Risks, Aware of Risks, Correct Hazards, Follow Company Rules, Safety Video, Safety Training, Safety .

Runtime: 10 Min.

  • Program Outline
  • Safety
  • Cuts and Burns
  • Chemical Safety
  • Electrical Safety
  • Preventing Slips and Falls
  • Back Injuries
  • Summary

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