Safety Orientation Training Videos
The New Employee Safety Orientation training package includes 2 videos and a -Rom of written materials.
1039A New Employee Safety Orientation Video - Advanced
No matter what job you have or in what industry you work, there are responsibilities associated with your job. Part of these responsibilities is safety, safety for you and the safety of your co-workers and visitors to your facilities. The goal of this training program is to help you understand some of your job responsibilities that include safety. Safety is a major part of your job, no matter where you work or what type of job you perform. Keep in mind that you must be trained and authorized to operate any equipment or machine before you should attempt to use them. Additionally, there are some new safety standards that require site-specific or job-specific training.
Topics covered in this safety video include: general safety rules bloodborne pathogens, personal protective equipment, electrical safety, control of hazardous energy, emergency actions, housekeeping, fire prevention, visitors, chemicals, causes of accidents and injuries, accidents, safe lifting/back injury prevention, ergonomics, personal hygiene/sanitation, and personal responsibility for safety.
Runtime: 38 Min.
1040A New Employee Orientation Program (Short Version)
No matter what job you have or in what industry you work, there are responsibilities associated with your job. Part of these responsibilities is safety, safety for you, and the safety of your co-workers and visitors to your facilities.
Topics covered in this safety video include general safety rules, personal protective equipment, electrical safety, control of hazardous energy, emergency actions, housekeeping, fire prevention, causes of accidents and injuries, and safe lifting/back injury prevention.
Runtime: 13 Min.
of Written Materials