Employee Safety Orientation Videos


This contains over 21 commonly used training topics which include:

10007A Accident Reporting 

An accident investigation is an important part of a supervisor's responsibility and accident investigation. Accident investigation and reporting is a preventive effort. This program will concentrate on the importance of conducting a thorough investigation and why the information is necessary.

14034A Bloodborne Pathogens  

This program is designed to provide an understanding of bloodborne pathogens, modes of transmission and methods of prevention. Bloodborne pathogens training is required if you anticipate coming in contact with blood or other potentially infectious material as part of your job duties.

1004C Causes of Accidents and Injuries

Accident Causes and Prevention - Safety Behavior has been analyzed by the insurance industry, Governmental agencies, and the National Safety Council. Over the years it has been determined that the overwhelming cause of most industrial accidents and injuries can be attributed to the unsafe acts of employees.

1057F Chemical Inventory and Safe Work Practices

Chemical Inventory and Safe Work Practices Details Better Living through Modern Chemistry is a familiar saying. Although we benefit from chemicals, there is a potential for safety and health risks. It is best to assume that any chemical requiring a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) is a hazardous chemical.

C020E Working Safely with Compressed Air

The benefits of working with compressed air are considerable. Pneumatic-powered tools using compressed air are nail guns, air ratchets, chisels, saws, specialty fasteners, and jackhammers, to name a few.

C001M Confined Space Entry 

Confined space entry must be approached with a professional attitude and a methodical system designed to prevent situations from escalating into a disaster. The National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH) found that in more than 50% of confined space accidents, the rescuer becomes the victim.

15006A Control of Hazardous Energy

Control of hazardous energy sources is a requirement that organizations must lockout electricity to prevent equipment from accidentally being turned on during repair and maintenance. This requirement was introduced in September 1989.

1016I Basic Electrical Safety in the Workplace  

Basic Electrical Safety in the Workplace program gives a basic understanding of electricity. There are different types of electricity or electrical energy; low voltage, high voltage, static electricity, alternating current, direct current, and so on.

1025I Emergency Preparedness at Work

Emergency Preparedness at Work program will instruct you in life safety and life-sustaining actions before, during, and following an earthquake. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has concluded that the 'Big One' will be the worst disaster in the United States since the Civil War.

1029I Ergonomics

Your ergonomics program will never be completed – it requires a continuing effort. This program discusses the major elements required for an effective ergonomics program.

1042I Fall Protection

There are various types of fall protection such as guardrails, safety nets and covers for open surfaces. Falls from any height can cause serious injury. OSHA requires fall protection if work is done at six feet or higher.

C015G Fire Prevention

Fire Prevention program includes tips for fire prevention. It also covers smoking only in designated areas, good housekeeping, electrical motors, electrical receptacles, extension cords, fire sprinkler systems, fire extinguishers, flammable liquid storage, bonding and grounding of flammable liquid containers, the meaning of the word P-A-S-S.

1004G Forklift Safety & Awareness

A part of any forklift training program is engineering principles. Unless you are knowledgeable, it is difficult to understand some of the safety rules relating to forklift operations.

5005A Housekeeping Safety  

Housekeeping in the hotel-motel environment is an important and responsible position. Schedules have to be met and providing service to guests. Housekeeping requires making use of many different tools, equipment and a variety of chemicals.

1039I Ladder Safety

Ladder Safety program addresses the various types of ladders and how to use them safely. - Almost every industry and many homes use ladders. Each year, thousands of people are injured by falling off ladders. It begins when you first select your ladder.

7070A Machine Guarding and Conveyor Safety

Machine guarding is effectively preventing personnel from coming in contact with moving parts of machinery or equipment which could cause physical harm to personnel. Machine guarding is placed around the moving parts of machinery to save fingers, hands and maybe even your life.

11012A Sanitation and Hygiene

There are many safety and health concerns in a food service environment. The most important is proper sanitation and hygiene procedures. A person's carelessness allows microorganisms to get on food and somebody gets sick.

1007B Personal Protective Equipment

Personal Protective Equipment is protection from hazards in the workplace. There is always a need for personal protective equipment on many jobs performed in the workplace. Personal protective equipment (PPE) is one of the best ways to protect your health and safety.

9016A Preventing Back Injury

The vast majority of back injuries are preventable; however many back problems are the result of degeneration of the discs. Over time the discs become worn and damaged. Think about all the times you have lifted improperly.

1063I Workplace Violence  

More than half of all workplace homicides occur in retail or service setting such as convenience stores, taxicab services, and gas stations. Homicide is the leading cause of death in these industries. Three-fourths of these homicides occur during robberies.

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