OSHA 35 and Still Alive
Not everyone was excited about the passage of the new OSHA law. On December 29, 1970 the William Stiger Occupational Safety and Health Act gave the federal government the authority to set and enforce safety and health standards for most of the country's workers. On April 28, 1971 OSHA became law. In the early days, employers realized that safety was part of the job because injuries were detrimental to production. The program discusses the OSHA law and how it is surviving. You will hear comments from eight safety experts in this film.
Key Words: OSHA, OSHA 35, OSHA Law, OSHA Survives, OSHA Law Passage, Health and Safety, Threats to Health and Safety, Safety Awareness, Safety Video, Safety Training, Safety .
Course Outline
- OSHA Law
- Cotton Dust
- Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission (OSHRC)
- States' Rights