Eye Protection (Foundries)

SKU 4004A

Eye Protection (Foundries) program covers eye hazards and types of eye protection with emphasis on safety. Nature has tried to protect the eyes from injury by providing us with a number of built in devices. The eyelashes catch dust and light particles before they can blow into the eye. Eyebrows cushion light blows and catch falling particles before they reach the eye. Tear ducts lubricate the eyes and wash away foreign substances that can get on the eyeballs. Pupils contract to protect the eyes from bright sunlight. Blinking your eyes is a defense mechanism to protect your eyes also. These natural defenses protect the eyes from minor injuries, but they are not sufficient to protect our eyes from heavy exposures that exist in industry today.

Key Words: Eye Protection, Eye Hazards, Eyelashes Catch Dust, Eyebrows Cushion Light Blows, Foreign Substances, Eyeballs, Natural Defenses, Heavy Exposure, Safety Video, Safety Training, Safety .

Runtime: 11 Min.

  • Program Outline
  • .
  • Eye Safety
  • Basic Eye Protection Facts
  • Welding
  • Face Shields
  • First Aid
  • Eye Examination

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