Truck Mounted Articulating Knuckle Boom Cranes

SKU 3034A

Truck mounted articulating knuckle boom cranes are used to handle, deliver, and pick up a variety of loads. Loads include steel road plate, shoring, trench boxes, boats, vehicles, logs, iron K rail and much more. Poorly trained operators are the reason for many crane accidents in the industry. This program will focus on equipment inspection, crane safety check, and crane operation and use.

Key Words: Mounted Articulating Knuckle Boom Cranes, Lifting Equipment, Equipment Inspection, Crane Safety Check, Crane Operation, Steel Road Plate, Shoring, Trench Boxes, Boats, Vehicles, Logs, Iron, Safety, Safety Video, Safety Training, Safety .

Course Outline

  • Crane Operators
  • Pre-Start Up Inspection
  • Crane Safety Check
  • Crane Operation & Use

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