HAZWOPER - Donning, Doffing, Decontamination

SKU 1041F

It is necessary for workers involved in hazardous substances episodes to wear self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and fully encapsulated suit to protect against toxic environments. There is a proper procedure in putting on and removing the equipment and suit so as not to risk exposure to a toxic environment during the process. This program explains the routine of putting on and removing self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and an encapsulated suit.

Key Words: HAZWOPER, Donning, Doffing, Decontamination, Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus, Encapsulated Suits, Toxic Environments, Exposure Risks, Contaminants, Safety Video, Safety Training, Safety .


Course Outline

  • Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA)
  • Donning Preparation
  • Donning the Suit
  • Doffing
  • Decontamination
  • Equipment
  • Emergency Decontamination
  • Decontamination of Patients

Runtime: 14 Min.

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