Asbestos Cement Pipe Safety Video - Public Agency
Asbestos has been used for many products such as fireproofing, pipe insulation, theatre curtains, siding, roofing, gaskets and packing, water and sewer pipe. In water and waste water applications, asbestos cement pipe may contain as much as 20% asbestos or more. Asbestos is used as re-enforcement of the pipe. This program focuses on working safely with asbestos cement pipe.
Key Words: Asbestos Cement Pipe Safety, Fire-Proofing, Pipe Insulation, Theatre Curtains, Siding, Roofing, Gaskets, Water and Waste Applications, Serpentine, Chrysotile, Amosite, Crocidolite, Amphibole, Safety Video, Safety Training, Safety .
Runtime: 19 Min.
- Program Outline
- Asbestos
- Employer Responsibilities
- Physical Characteristics
- Health Effects
- Important Regulations
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Planning
- Pipe Removal
- Pipe Cutting
- Field Lathes
- Wet Tapping
- Dry Tapping
- Abrasive Disk Tools and Saws
- Housekeeping and Waste Disposal
- Unacceptable Work Practices for Asbestos Cement Pipe
- Summary